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Diners have the ability to leave a review on your Grubhub Marketplace page after their order is delivered. Diners are encouraged to leave comments about their order and dining experience. While it’s great to receive positive feedback, it’s inevitable that you’ll hear from unhappy customers.

Under specific conditions, a negative review on your Grubhub page may be eligible for removal. This includes reviews that:

  • Contain profanity, hate speech, or threats
  • The restaurant had no control over the issue mentioned in the review (issue with Grubhub driver or Grubhub platform)
  • Contain diners’ personal information
  • Mention names of Grubhub staff or restaurant employees
  • Contain fewer than three words
  • Contain typos or misspelled words
  • Are duplicates
  • Mention names of competitors or any other website

If a negative review fits this criteria, please contact Grubhub’s Restaurant Care team at 877-799-0790 or

If a negative review doesn’t fit the removal criteria, it will stay on your Grubhub page. Flip negative reviews into a positive customer experience by responding to them. Customers appreciate knowing their feedback has been listened to, and leaving a sincere response can protect the integrity of your brand. Take a look at our tips on responding to negative reviews to tackle your critics.