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If you are a current Grubhub restaurant or merchant looking for Restaurant Care’s phone number you can access it by signing into your Grubhub for Restaurants account and navigating to the “Help” section.
If you are a current Grubhub restaurant or merchant looking for Restaurant Care’s phone number you can access it by signing into your Grubhub for Restaurants account and navigating to the “Help” section.
Grubhub’s latest in-restaurant technology platform helps you update your menu in real time and more. Here are four...
Explore what elements are important to include in a strong restaurant website and how to optimize your website's...
Learn 6 ways to increase your restaurant sales as we embark on the next stage in the pandemic:...
Millennials love to eat out and try new cuisines. Learn about millennial food trends and spending habits to...
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Nearly 9 out of 10 restaurant owners surveyed agree that Grubhub delivers a high ROI to their business - higher than the competition average*
Thrive on your own terms with flexible pricing and marketing rates as low as 5%.
*Grubhub Restaurant Intelligence Technomic Report 2022